
About Me

Love to Travel? Tips for Success I have always loved to travel. When I was growing up, my parents took us to a new location during every summer and winter break. My siblings and I had a blast visiting new cities and states and my parents always made sure we learned a lot about the local cultures. I especially loved trying new local foods, since every city had their local specialties. My parents were always impressed at my willingness to try new foods at my young age. I loved traveling so much that I decided to become a traveling nurse, and I now get paid to travel around the country! I know there are many people out there new to traveling who need tips on choosing destinations, preparing for trips, and packing well. I plan to share tips on these travel topics and much more on my new travel blog!

Posted on: 17 March 2020
There's no better way to spend a pleasant summer day than on a wine tour. Not only does a wine tour allow you to sample a variety of delicious options, but it exposes you to gorgeous scenery. You also get to learn more about the vineyard's winemaking process.

Posted on: 26 February 2020
Roatan is an island off of the coast of Honduras. It is known for having coral reefs and white sand beaches. Roatan is a popular destination for cruise ships, but there is plenty to do to keep you occupied for a longer vacation. It isn't just for the adults, e

Posted on: 16 July 2019
Snook and redfish are among the most prized inshore gamefish in much of the South Atlantic. Weather you're looking to hook some reds in the mangroves of Marco Island or haul a big snook from under a dock in Tampa, the most challenging way to land these fish is